Wednesday, December 15, 2004

In the past few days I've been thinking about exactly how I'm going to get this page working, how it's going to look and what features I'm going to integrate. You may have noticed that I have already managed to integrate a simple chatbot already under the heading "Virtual HAL".

Unfortunately, I lack the skills at the moment to do everything I want, but luckily I have two brothers who can help me learn.

I had my last exam yesterday, and am heading back down to Yorkshire tomorrow. Exactly what that means as far as progress here is concerned, I'm not sure, but it's certainly going to be nice to be home.


Sunday, December 12, 2004

and so it begins...

Welcome to, my personal site. This is the very first version, so expect to see major changes over the coming months. Don't expect everything (or even anything) to work yet. I know it's all a bit rubbish so far, but it'll get better. I hope.
