Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Good news everybody!

I know it's been ages since I've updated anything here, but I thought I'd post on the off chance someone might see this at some point...

I'm going back to Camp Cal this summer!

I really can't wait. The 2004 season was brilliant, and I can't wait to get my degree out of the way so I can just get back out to Croatia. Check out my gallery for photos from my last time out there, and for the camp's official site.

As for the degree, things are coming along nicely enough. I'm in the essay week of hell at the moment, having handed in essays yesterday and the day before that, with only my dissertation left due the day after tomorrow.

I'm also working on a project at the moment, which I've been working three days a week on since the beginning of term - I start full time work on it from next week. It feels great to actually be doing real research, discovering previously unknown stuff that could ultimately help cure muscular dystrophy. It beats sitting in a lecture theatre, incidentally something I'll never have to do again as of last week...

The real world seems to be approaching ever more rapidly.


Anonymous said...

Am I mad for NOT wanting to leave the lecture theaters just yet? Either that, or I just have my job hopes set too high...

Hal said...

Not in the slightest. I've got strangely conflicting feeling about not having any more lectures.

It's nice not to have to go and be bored, but it's scary in the implication that my days of being a good-for-nothing slacker (AKA a student) are coming to a close.