Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Graduation and Croatia

It's been a while, but at last I'm going to post an update up here.

The last week has been absolutely insane, starting with me as a student in Edinburgh and ending as a graduate in a summer camp in Croatia.

First of all, I'll tell you a little about graduation. Karoliina's parents came, which was pretty cool, and I wore a kilt (Welsh national tartan) to the ceremony. Karoliina graduated the next day, and I had to move all of the stuff that I wasn't taking with me to Croatia to Tom's flat.

After two hours sleep, I started on my journey to camp at 3:30am.

For those who haven't known me for very long, you might not know that I spent my summer two summers ago here in a camp called Camp California in Croatia, right on the North-Western Tip of Istria at Savudrija. Well, I'm doing it all over again, partly because I spent most of last summer wishing that I was actually here, and partly because I want to stall having to get a job in the real world as a graduate.

I'm here, kids are here, and the place is awesome. THings have changed in a few subtle ways since I was last year, like the main stage (called "Hollywood Bowl") has been completely rebuilt.

Oops! Time up.

Better get back to Work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything's ok :) Just remember, if the kids get too nasty, I'll come and sort them out ;)

Love you lots!