Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I've managed to find myself a little more time to add something to this blog.

As I said before, everything's going awesomely in camp, and I thought I'd post a little more about it.

I've currently got a cabin of 9 kids, helped out by two other counsellors - Sam, who's also from the UK, and Zoltan who's a Hungarian. Actally, Sam's having to move out of our cabin today into another one to help out in a cabin where one of the counsellors is having to go for a few days to work out the Teen Adventure program.

We're all going to Teepee Village tonight with a couple of the other boys' cabins, a mock American Indian area a little way out from the rest of camp. All going well, we'll eat, play and sleep out there, all lit by a good old-fashioned camp fire.

That said, last night a load of the girls' cabins went to sleep out there last night but returned when the wind started picking up, making the teepees themselves dangerous for obvious reasons. Other problems with teepee village are the thousands of mosquitoes desperate for an all-they-can-eat buffet and (perhaps surprisingly) the cold.

While daytime temperatures are high and humidity stratospheric, making the conditions extremely sweaty, at night the temperatures can plummet, making sleep under the stars a chilly experience.

The musics playing over the PA system. That means my free period's over, and I have to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I wasn't around to talk to you on Wednesday.