It's been a week since my last update, and a week since I've started in my camperless cabin.
I've had a great time, but as I expected, having no campers has led to this being an utterly different experience. In particular, updating the Bunk1 website has been a lot of work and been taking a lot of time - despite the fact that I'm given a free period during the day, I can only do the updates after the evening activities when all the kids have gone to bed. In fact, I'm writing this update while the computer is resizing the images to post on the web.
It's also been wet this week, very wet indeed. The storms here are incredible, with what seem to be solid walls of rain dropping from the sky producing raging torrents across camp. As a result, a load of activities on a load of days have been cancelled with special "rainy day" activities being run in their stead. While I'm glad that this is all happening in this session with relatively few kids making all of this an easier experience for the counsellors to sort out, I feel really sorry for the kids having all their activities disrupted when the weather for the rest of the summer has been so great.
Yesterday I had my day off, which as usual started with a night at a local bar, and continued with a bus at 8:30 in the morning to Pula (yeah, getting up at that time after a heavy night before was painful). We went to a small reserve near Pula called something that sounds similar to "Crematorium" - I think it was actually "Prematorio" or something. Anyhow, it was really beautiful, and we did a bit of cliff-jumping and swimming around there, which was awesome fun.
We came back via Pula and had a quick look around the city. It's an ancient Roman city, and has the largest intact Roman ampitheatre outside of Rome itself in the entire world. The forum and ruins around there were beautiful, and I only wish we had a little more time to do a little more exploring round there and perhaps have a look inside the ampitheatre itself.
Today, we had a special afternoon activity with a superhero theme. As one of the people wandering about both to miscellaneously help and to take photographs, I wasn't obliged to dress up, but how could I resist?! I covered myself with green paint, put on my angry face and became the Incredible Hulk. Everything went really well, much to the credit of the organisers, and we got some great photos too. Perhaps I'll manage to get some of those uploaded here soon too.
Anyhow, I'd better get back to work as it looks like all my pictures have been resized. If you read this Dad, get better soon - I'll Skype home as soon as the necessary computer is working again.
I hope your dad gets better soon too.
I love you!
My mum and I just both giggled at a pic of you trying to look like the Hulk ;)
Aren't I lovely? :P
I'm going to go buy the bed I told you about last night :) I'm going to pay 30 euros for it, as the vendor wouldn't go any lower than that, but it's still less expensive than some of the other alternatives :D
I'm sorry I missed your call! I was in the shower and didn't hear my phone ring :(
I thought you might like this link:
Love you!
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