Monday, September 25, 2006

Uncle Hal!

As of a few days ago, I'm an uncle! My oldest brother's wife, Anya, gave birth to Martha Eve Susan Clive just a few days ago. We went down to London to see her yesterday, and she's absolutely beautiful.

She's incredibly long-fingered and legged, and I was amazed at how aware she seemed after just a few days of life - she seemed to be taking in everything around her.

James holding the newly-born Martha

In other, less exciting news, I've got another Camp Cal video uploaded - a VH1 Behind the Music Parody following the rise and fall of Mr. Mullet and the Perms of Destruction.

Click here for full-size version!


Anonymous said...

What a happy new Father!

Hal said...

Oooh. Just got my first ever comment spam on here - with any luck though, it should be gone if you can read this.